Compliments for the Impact Assessment App from the Royal Society for Public Health

One of our closest clients, Gateway Family Services,  won a couple of big awards last week. Huurah and congratulations.

richard-gatewayusingtheimpactappThey were the Royal Society for Public Health’s Three Year Health and Wellbeing Award and the Public Health Minister’s Award.

One of the things the judges identified was this Impact Assessment app, which we developed with guinea pig help from Gateway, who were among the first users.  They still use it in their daily work.

The judges said this of the way gateway understand what difference their services make..

…the strategy for the compilation of clients’ feedback is accessible and innovative, facilitating the capture of users’ comments and feelings about the service they are receiving.

Below is a video they made of just one workers use of the impact app in one week

and Gateway also  blogged about how they use the app.

We take feedback every session, no matter how short the statement, or how negative the client might be feeling. Often the negative feelings are useful because in future sessions we can look back together and say ‘look how far you’ve come!’

“I find it really useful to be able to show people how the work they’re putting in is having an effect over time.”

As an organisation, the feedback every service gets from every client is extremely useful, as there is such a variety of data. Hearing from clients directly, rather than ticking boxes, means that we are getting a truer picture of the impact we are having. Recording clients in this way means that we often see issues and patterns that might not otherwise have shown up, which helps us to develop our services. It also makes it easier for us to present information about our work, and the impact it has, to others.

The Impact Assessment App allows you to capture what clients say in text (which can they be analysed)  and also video, audio or images.



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